According to the SEBI listing Regulation, 2015 (LODR), listed companies have to comply with these regulation and we are helping the corporate in compliances of regulation.

Regulation Compliance period
Regulation 7 (3) Compliance Certificate certifying
maintaining physical & electronic transfer facility
Within one month of end of each half of the financial year
Regulation 13(3) 
Statement of investor complaints Within Twenty one days from the end of each quarter.
Regulation 27(2) Corporate Governance report within 15 days of end of each quarter
Regulation 31 Shareholding pattern within 21 days from end of each quarter
Regulation 33 Financial Results Within  45 days from quarter end and in case of annual financial financial results within 60days from end of financial year
Regulation 34 Annual Report Within twenty one working days of it being approved and adopted in the annual general meeting.
Regulation 40(9) Certificate from Practicing company secretary within one months of the end of each half of financial year
Sebi –DP Regulation 55A Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit. Within 30 days from quarter end
Regulation 7 Appointment of New Share Transfer agent within seven days of entering into the tripartite agreement
Regulation 14 Listing fees & other changes
Regulation 29 Notice for board meetings to consider the prescribed matters at least 5 days for Financial Result
Regulation 30 Disclosure of price sensitive information not later than twenty four hours from the occurrence of event or information.
Regulation 30 Outcome of board meetings  within 30 minutes of the closure of the meeting
Regulation 42 Notice for record date/corporate action advance notice of at least 7 working days
Regulation 43 Declaration of dividend NA
Regulation 43A Dividend Distribution Policy NA
Regulation 44 Voting results  within forty eight hours of conclusion of its General Meeting
Regulation 46 Company website within two working days
Regulation 30(1) and 30(2)  – SEBI Takeover Regulations 2011. NA
Regulation 7(2)  SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 NA

For support or clarification, you may contact to corporate muni at 9205575589 or email at